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Northease Manor School

GCSE, Study and Results

With teaching in small groups, our wide choice of academic and practical subjects makes a real difference compared to other schools.  Our integrated approach, combining classroom lessons with outdoor learning and specific therapies, helps students achieve the best possible academic results and provides a foundation for the future.

Results by Subject 


Our achievements at GCSE show the excellent progress our students have made.  More important though, is the difference that enjoying learning and gaining self-confidence makes to happiness and self-esteem.

At Northease, we recognise and understand limitations, but challenge them gently and persistently until they have less of an effect. The combination of aspiration, belief, support and encouragement is unbeatable.

We offer full access to the National Curriculum through our multi-sensory approach, with specialist teachers and specialist support from speech and language and occupational therapists.

 Curriculum maps and choices here.

For those continuing beyond GCSE, our Sixth Form offers an individualised programme that provides further education and work experience, preparing students for independent life, nurturing and developing their capabilities, confidence, and self-belief.

Our most recent Ofsted report says it all…

“Pupils benefit from competent teaching. Consequently, their outcomes are strong across a broad range of subjects. Leaders know precisely where any variability in this quality remains and take effective action accordingly."